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Happy “Gathering” New Year

Each January, with great anticipation, I write down a number of resolutions for the year. Something we can all relate to. And like so many other people, I usually give up on some or all of these great ideas within a few weeks. After a little research and introspection, I realized that two things are happening every year. One, I make too many broad resolutions and two, I don’t have a plan. This year will be different – I promise! My plan is to plan. Not just one goal but a short, medium and long-term goal. I’m calling it a goal this year instead of a resolution too. Breaking the goal down into reasonable and achievable steps should help me this year.

Won’t you consider a plan to plan? As with all things in life, a crisis is not the time to consider the plan. Now, before it’s a crisis, is the best time to put all the plan goals into action. Consider having a goal this year for
gathering all important documents for your loved ones. These could include birth certificates, social security cards, insurance cards, and the like. See the First Step Pre-Planning Guide to help you set your goals. We can check back on each other next year and see how we did. Happy Gathering!

Download the Guide »


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