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Resources for Seniors

Embracing Spring: A Season of Renewal and Connection at Almost Home 

By Resources for Seniors No Comments

Spring is a time of new beginnings, fresh air, and renewed energy—a perfect season to focus on connection, activity, and well-being for our loved ones. As the days grow longer and flowers begin to bloom, it’s an opportunity to bring joy, socialization, and structure into daily routines, creating moments of happiness and engagement.

At Almost Home, we recognize the importance of seasonal changes for seniors, especially those living with dementia or cognitive conditions. Warmer weather allows for gentle outdoor activities, such as enjoying a sunny afternoon on the patio, listening to the birds sing, and participating in light exercises that promote movement and engagement. Exposure to nature has been shown to improve mood, cognitive function, and overall well-being, making spring an ideal time to embrace the outdoors.

The Importance of Socialization

Spring is also a time to reconnect—with family, friends, and the world around us. Socialization plays a vital role in mental and emotional well-being, helping seniors feel a sense of belonging and purpose. Our structured daily activities at Almost Home foster friendship, trust, and engagement, encouraging seniors to share stories, laughter, and meaningful interactions.

A Fresh Start for Caregivers

For caregivers, spring serves as a reminder to take a deep breath and embrace support. Caregiving is an act of love, but it can also be overwhelming. Almost Home provides a safe, trusted environment where your loved one receives personalized care, companionship, and structure—allowing you to take a well-deserved break while ensuring they are in capable hands.

If you’re looking for a compassionate, local care provider this season, we’d love to help. Call us today at 904-731-4002 to learn more about our services.


Turning gratitude into joy

By Resources for Seniors

Turning Gratitude into Joy

Ah, September! As the days get shorter, and the mornings get (a little) cooler, we start to think about Fall. If you are like me, the cooler weather is definitely something to look forward to. Pumpkin spice coffee and pumpkin bread are already available, and pretty soon the air will be truly cool and crisp.

The coming of Fall reminds me to be grateful, even before Thanksgiving. St. Mother Teresa said that the best way to show gratitude is “to accept everything with joy.” We may not always have much to give, but we can give it with joy. This Summer has been challenging for many of us, with the increase in COVID cases, worries about getting sick, and the other everyday strains of being a caregiver. Gratitude is important to me because it actually helps me to overcome worrying.

Learning to Worry Less

Another idea that helps me when I worry is to learn more about the topic that is troubling me. For caregivers, there are many things to worry us. When and how should we start the day? How will I keep healthy and active? What do I do when I get tired or need a break? What do I need to know about dementia? Many of these worries are addressed in Chapter 2 of my book Simply Caring.

As caregivers ourselves, we know that attending to even the basics of life can be a challenge. We have developed a loving environment at Almost Home DayBreak to help you get a break from caregiving for one day a week or for all five weekdays. We offer your loved one a change of scenery, delicious meals, socializing with friends, and participating in fun activities suited to their abilities.


Meanwhile, what else makes you grateful? I recently read a story about a man who mentally notes his blessings every day during his 10-minute walk to the train station. When can you remember the things that make you grateful, and then let those thoughts fill you with feelings of joy?

What else can you do for yourself today to experience gratitude and joy? Need help finding your joy – give us a call at 904-731-4002.

Almost Home DayBreak, Almost Home Beaches, and Almost Home Senior Services are here to help families by offering quality and affordable Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, and Family Consulting Services including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact Jamie and Trish at 904-731-4002 or email if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family this year. We look forward to talking with you soon!


Summer Self-Care

By Resources for Seniors

July is here!

Living in Florida, it is natural – and healthy– to slow down during Summer. The hot weather almost requires that we moderate our pace. That is harder to do when you are a caregiver, but it is still important. What helps you to slow down?

For me, turning on Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy at the end of the day with my dog Meeka on my lap helps me relax. That may not work for everyone, but it helps me unwind after a busy day.


I use a simple acronym — H.A.L.T — to know when it is time for a break. All of us have to keep going sometimes when we want to stop. But I think about H.A.L.T. to remind me to take a break. H is for hungry, A for angry, L for lonely and T is for tired. Combine two or more of these feelings and we need more than a Snickers bar to feel better!

We know that caregivers also need breaks, maybe more than others. Do you like the Beach? Summer is a great time to cool down near an ocean breeze. Don’t have anyone to watch your loved one while you take a break? Consider our Almost Home DayBreak. You can drop off your family member for a few hours or for the whole day.

And one more thing: it is not selfish to take care of yourself. Regular readers know that I love to quote Mother Teresa. As I looked for a quote about taking care of yourself, I found this idea from one of her admirers: “Self-care, in the end, is not really just about you.” You cannot give to others when you have nothing left. We wouldn’t think of driving our cars on an empty gas tank. Why would we do that to ourselves?

So, take a break today if you feel hungry, angry, lonely or tired. It may be the best thing you can do for yourself — and for your loved ones.

Let us help you

Almost Home and Almost Home DayBreak are here to help families by offering quality and affordable Assisted Living, Adult Day Care and Family Consulting Services including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact Jamie or Trish at 904-731-4002 or email if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family this year. We look forward to talking with you soon!

Flags, fathers and Alzheimer’s Awareness

By Resources for Seniors

Flags and Fathers

Living in Florida, Summer is well underway by the time June rolls around. June stands out to me for a few reasons: flags, fathers, and Alzheimer’s Awareness Month. As I write this today, we are celebrating Flag Day. Next Sunday, many of us will celebrate Father’s Day, whether we are honoring or remembering a father.

Both flags and fathers remind me of the importance of service. Many brave people have defended our flag with honor. Many of our fathers served our families in ways that are both obvious, and some that we may never realize. My own Dad served in the military for 30 years and sacrificed many things to provide for our large family. He reminds me to honor both our fathers and our flag. Read More

The Beauty of April

By Resources for Seniors

The Beauty of April

Almost Home likes to remind all of us to celebrate life daily. This month, we celebrate the return of warm weather, trips to the Beach, and more time for outdoor activities as the sun shines later into the day.

We have also been sharing how each month got its name. Some say that April comes from the Latin word “Aperit,” which means to open. April is also the month of the growing season when trees and flowers begin to open and show their natural beauty. Read More

Celebrate Spring

By Resources for Seniors

Celebrating Spring

Almost Home likes to remind all of us to celebrate life daily. This month, we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day and ”March Madness.” This is the time of year when everyone is Irish, and when college basketball fans cheer on their favorite team during the various tournaments that are held across the country. No matter how you celebrate this month, we invite you to do it with joy. Read More

Season of Love

By Resources for Seniors

Celebrating the Seasons of Life – February

Two things we learned about February recently. Both of them connect us back to Ancient Rome. According to multiple legends, Valentine (who may have been more than one person with this name) defied the Roman emperor and was martyred. Before the end, one of the figures signed a note to their beloved with the words “From your Valentine.” Who do you want to surprise this month by telling them how you feel? Read More

Celebrate the Seasons of Life

By Resources for Seniors

Celebrating the Seasons of Life

Almost Home likes to remind all of us to celebrate life daily. This month, we introduce a new feature of our newsletter: “Celebrating the Seasons of Life.”


For January, we reflect on the meaning of this season of the year. January takes its name from the Roman god Janus, who had two faces – one looking backward, and one looking forward. In January, it is natural to be looking in two directions. We reflect on the year that just passed (and oh, what a year it was!), while looking forward to the New Year.

But how should we look at the coming year? Yes, we are likely to continue to face ongoing challenges related to the pandemic. Yes, there will be many challenges given the other problems we face in our lives and as a society.

Hope and Optimism

Still, we invite you in January to look toward 2021 with hope for new beginnings. Hope that our loved ones will stay healthy, happy, and safe. Hope that any economic uncertainties will be resolved, and hope that we will maintain the strength we need to face all of the challenges of 2021.

How do we maintain our strength? By doing the basic things that we know work, as boring as they may seem. If you want to resolve to do one thing this year, resolve to take care of yourself, for example by getting enough sleep, by eating the right foods, and by taking time out for self-care. Self-care takes many forms. It can mean exercising regularly. It can mean asking for the help that we need as caregivers. It can also mean taking time each day to be grateful for what we do have: another day with our loved one, another smile, another memory, and yes, it even means being grateful for the things that bring us to tears, hopefully, tears of joy.

A Good Day

A famous basketball coach once said that we should do three things each day to fully live our lives. We should laugh, we should cry, and we should learn something new. That, he said, is a good day.

As we start the new year, we invite you to remember to hope, to remember to care for yourself, and to remember to laugh, to cry, and to learn new things that will increase your hope for a better tomorrow.

Almost Home DayBreak and Almost Home Senior Services are here to help families by offering quality and affordable Adult Day Care, Assisted Living and Family Consulting Services, including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact Jamie or Trish at 904-731-4002 or email if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family this year. We look forward to talking with you soon!











How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

By Resources for Caregivers, Resources for Seniors

How to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

2020 has been challenging for all of us. The upcoming holidays will definitely tempt us to seek comfort in all of the traditions that we love and keeping healthy during the holidays can be challenging. It starts with Halloween, then Thanksgiving, goes right to Christmas then directly into New Year’s Eve. While this time of year can be fun, it can also be hectic, stressful, and wreak havoc on your health, especially for the older population. It is important to stay vigilant in order to stay healthy. Here are 10 ideas to ensure you and your loved ones have a safe and fun holiday season!  Read More

senior care jacksonville

Sleep Health Tips

By Resources for Caregivers, Resources for Seniors

Sleep health begins with good sleep hygiene. Quality, uninterrupted sleep is important for many reasons. Research has shown that after a good sleep, people retain information and perform better on memory tasks. Our bodies also require long periods of sleep in order to restore, grow muscle, repair tissue, and synthesize hormones. As adults get older, ailments or health issues can interrupt sleep, creating further health issues, not to mention cranky moods.  Read More

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