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July is here!

Living in Florida, it is natural – and healthy– to slow down during Summer. The hot weather almost requires that we moderate our pace. That is harder to do when you are a caregiver, but it is still important. What helps you to slow down?

For me, turning on Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy at the end of the day with my dog Meeka on my lap helps me relax. That may not work for everyone, but it helps me unwind after a busy day.


I use a simple acronym — H.A.L.T — to know when it is time for a break. All of us have to keep going sometimes when we want to stop. But I think about H.A.L.T. to remind me to take a break. H is for hungry, A for angry, L for lonely and T is for tired. Combine two or more of these feelings and we need more than a Snickers bar to feel better!

We know that caregivers also need breaks, maybe more than others. Do you like the Beach? Summer is a great time to cool down near an ocean breeze. Don’t have anyone to watch your loved one while you take a break? Consider our Almost Home DayBreak. You can drop off your family member for a few hours or for the whole day.

And one more thing: it is not selfish to take care of yourself. Regular readers know that I love to quote Mother Teresa. As I looked for a quote about taking care of yourself, I found this idea from one of her admirers: “Self-care, in the end, is not really just about you.” You cannot give to others when you have nothing left. We wouldn’t think of driving our cars on an empty gas tank. Why would we do that to ourselves?

So, take a break today if you feel hungry, angry, lonely or tired. It may be the best thing you can do for yourself — and for your loved ones.

Let us help you

Almost Home and Almost Home DayBreak are here to help families by offering quality and affordable Assisted Living, Adult Day Care and Family Consulting Services including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact Jamie or Trish at 904-731-4002 or email if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family this year. We look forward to talking with you soon!

Almost Home

Author Almost Home

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