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Fitness health and healthy lifestyle is important for everyone, especially seniors. Incorporating fitness into a daily routine can improve health as well as quality of life. There are several forms of exercise that are appropriate for seniors, such as Tai Chi, Chair Exercises, and Pilates.

Tai Chi

Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese exercise that was originally developed for self-defense. Over time, it has evolved into an exercise practiced by both young and old. Tai Chi is a type of meditative movement which includes a flow of standing physical postures and breathing techniques. When practiced regularly, it can reduce stress as well as promote balance and stamina.

Chair Exercises

Chair based exercise (CBE) was created for seniors with compromised mobility. It enables anyone to participate in an easily accessible form of exercise. Grab a chair and you can add fitness to your daily routine!


Pilates was designed for bed bound hospital patients in the early 1900s by Joseph Pilates. These exercises are designed to build core strength and stability. For those who have  trouble getting down on the floor, there are pilates routines that can be done on a bed or a chair.

 Before trying anything new to improve your fitness health, make sure to check with your doctor first. Almost Home is here to help families by offering quality & affordable Adult Day Care, Assisted Living & Family Consulting Services, including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact us if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family.

Almost Home

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