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The Beauty of April

Almost Home likes to remind all of us to celebrate life daily. This month, we celebrate the return of warm weather, trips to the Beach, and more time for outdoor activities as the sun shines later into the day.

We have also been sharing how each month got its name. Some say that April comes from the Latin word “Aperit,” which means to open. April is also the month of the growing season when trees and flowers begin to open and show their natural beauty.

How do you plan to open yourself to the beauty of April? Can you take a walk or do some work in your garden to enjoy the warmer air? Maybe your loved one would enjoy watching or even helping in some way. Getting outside can help as the days seem to run longer because of more sunshine.

Others believe that April comes from the Roman word for “second,” because it was the second month in the Roman calendar. We like to think of April as a second start to the year when we adjust our expectations and get realistic about what we can accomplish this year. What do you need to accomplish this year?

Time to Re-Energize

Can you re-energize yourself to start or re-start a project or follow up on getting important documents together? We know some of you are struggling with caring for your loved one and can use new ideas. If so, we invite you to read chapters from our book, Simply Caring, by sharing your email address to You can also visit our website which is loaded with ideas for caregivers.

Almost Home and Almost Home DayBreak are here to help families by offering quality and affordable Adult Day Care, Assisted Living, and Family Consulting Services including information and resources on how to keep yourself well. Contact Jamie and Trish at 904-731-4002 or email if you have any questions on how we can help you and your family this year. We look forward to talking with you soon!






Almost Home

Author Almost Home

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