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Happy New Year 2020!

At this time of year, I always think about making resolutions. Isn’t that what we all do? I expect the best of myself every January 1. Then reality kicks in and my best intentions are swept away with everyday life. This is not how it’s supposed to happen, is it? Why not try something different this year. A lot has been mentioned about finding your word for the year. Makes sense. Why not just wake up and go to bed each night and think about your one word. It could be anything that is meaningful to you. Some friends have shared their words, such as health, connection, gather, focus, content, happiness and simple. I love this idea since I never keep my resolutions! I won’t feel bad this year rather I will feel empowered by my own personal word. No one really needs to know what it is, right? You can share it or keep it a secret. I would like to share my word for the year. My word is “FOCUS”. It’s your own special way to make yourself feel good about life.

Having a Good Life

Not only words but actions can help you feel good about life. I challenge you this year to think about your own health in addition to your loved one. They depend so much on you that we want to keep you healthy. One lifestyle change that could help both of you is to walk a little bit each day. Here in Florida we have such beautiful weather this time of year. I love to get out and feel the sunshine and take a short walk.

Walking is Good for the Brain

Physical exercise, low key or strenuous, is essential for maintaining good blood flow to your brain. Just 10 minutes a day can help lift your mood and help to refocus your thoughts. One of your thoughts can be your special word for the year. Here’s to happy thoughts!

Almost Home

Author Almost Home

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